Thanks to Andi Brigham, whose mum, Rose E Senior, lived at 23 Bilton Street, and sends these memories of the Layerthorpe area.
— Mr Watson had a fruit shop (Grocer’s) on Layerthorpe and it had some waste ground to the side of his shop between the Frog Hall Pub (so was probably where York Auto Parts started?), she remembers that they used to build a bonfire there in November and all the locals would attend it.
— My Aunt Bella (Isabella Senior) rented a room above Lila’s woolshop after she got married but didn’t stay there long as strange things began to happen, she returned home one evening to find clothing, pots etc had been thrown around the room. It was known that the owner of the property used to dabble with a ougi board. This frightened my Aunt so much that she moved back home to her mums and only went back the following day with company to hastily pack her things up.
— Mum attended Bilton Street school which was across the road from where she lived (the photo of Bilton Street School shows a street light on the left of the photo, this was outside her bedroom window), she said that she had to walk through pumpers alley to get to school, she remembers that all the children had to have a sleep in the afternoon for about an hour, they would sleep on the floor in the school.

Bilton Street School. Photo: Explore York Libraries and Archives
My late mother taught at Bilton Street School in the early fifties.
Her name was Meg Oglethorpe.
Penny, I started at Bilton Street School in 1952. I remember Mrs Peace and another lady teacher who was probably your mum. I now have a granddaughter called Meg! Did you attend the school?
Hello Sandra
I have only just noticed your comment!
Yes I think the other teacher must have been Mum. Mrs Mary Peace was the headteacher. Yes I was a pupil but only for a short time – I think Mum took me with her when I was only about three!! (I was born in 1951)
How lovely that you have a grand daughter named Meg!
Sadly Mum died at the age of 57 in 1979. Very much missed.
Do you still live in York? x
Hi Penny, I live in Dalby Forest but spend a lot of time travelling backwards and forwards to York as I care for my parents, Dorothy and Dennis Durkin for 80 hours each week. They are 90 and 93 respectively, but sadly have dementia now. They can however, still remember much information of their time living in Layerthorpe. I have lived in the forest for seven years now but lived all of my life until then, in York and will be returning to live there again soon.
I couldn’t get the contact form to work on your site hence this email.
My grandfather lived at 57 Hart’s Terrace in Layerthorpe until about 1914. Does anyone know exactly where this was?
Also, my great grandfather Daniel Beeby, no relation to grandfather above, was the owner of the Frog Hall inn from about the turn of the century. I think Hart’s Terrace might have been near this.
Any info would be very welcome.
Hi Geoff
Harts Terrace was located at the end of Layerthorpe near the bridge over the railway line.
I lived opposite in the Gas Board houses, which still exist. I remember the terrace houses being demolished in the 1970’s, to widen the street and the railway bridge.
Incidentally, Monday’s Press this week features an article on Layerthorpe which includes a photo of Harts Terrace being demolished.
Hi David
Many thanks for your info. Very interesting. Any idea where the Frog Hall was? I assume it was near Hart’s Terrace?
Hi Geoff
The Frog Hall building still exists, it’s now a cycle shop and is located next to the Asda supermarket. There is an old photo of it on this website (Layerthorpe Road section).