Kidd’s Terrace and Kidd family photos


Louisa Kidd (nee Stock) and classmates, early 1900s

The photos on this page were contributed by Mark Turner, whose family lived on Kidd’s Terrace.

Above, Mark’s grandmother Louisa Kidd (nee Stock) and classmates. Louisa was born in 1900.

Evelyn Kidd was presented with this book ‘for good conduct and regular attendance’ at the local Sunday school.


Bookplate of book presented to Evelyn Kidd at Layerthorpe Sunday School, 1915

On the Kidd’s Terrace page, Mark left a comment mentioning that his great grandfather Henry Kidd built the terrace. Henry was a Freeman of York, and this photo shows one of the documents relating to this, dating from 1838.


Henry Kidd of Layerthorpe, Freeman of York document

Mark says this is ‘my mum aunt & uncle plus 1, I think in Kidds Terrace’.


Kidd family in the 1930s, probably at Kidd’s Terrace

Kidd’s Terrace street photo, maybe dating from the end of the First World War?


Kidd’s Terrace street photo

Many families from the Layerthorpe area moved elsewhere, many to Tang Hall. This photo shows one of the coronation parties there in 1937.


Tang Hall coronation party, 1937

Many thanks to Mark Turner for sending these images.

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  1. Gail Ferguson

    Was Kidd’s Terrace also known as Kidd’s Lane? I have a birth registration from 1842 indicating that my Grandfather, William Davison, was born on Kidd’s Lane in Layerthorpe. Trying to determine where it was on a map of the time.

  2. Stephen Curtis

    I worked at Clarkson & Son Model engineers on Layerthorpe from 1967 to 1973. Just wondered if anyone had any pictures relating to this firm .

  3. Geoffrey BruceGordon

    Was there Hilda Kidd who went to New Zealand in 1925 ?

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